Random Acts of "Kindness"



I received a call from the bank alerting me to a questionable charge on my credit card. Press one for more information. I hung up!

I received an e-mail from the bank with the questionable charge. I left the e-mail on the computer and phoned the bank. If I had high blood pressure it would have risen past the danger mark. The computer system of the bank almost had me hang up and go back to the e-mail. Thankfully I didn’t, I’m stubborn. The computer wanted to know the maiden name of my husband’s mother — brain freeze. The computer wanted to know the three digit number on the back of the card that I couldn’t find. The computer WOULD NOT connect me to a live person. It wanted me to LOOK for the card and let it know when I was ready. BOILING POINT! The computer didn’t care how much I yelled agent, screamed agent! Finally I was connected to an agent — since by this time I was boiling, I tried very hard to calm down and not convey my anger. I toured the country by phone — first Texas, next Tennessee, lastly Delaware.

Thankfully it was a scam. NOTHING WAS WRONG WITH EITHER OF MY CREDIT CARDS. NO EXTRA CHARGES. I learned that the security codes have been also hacked.

Thankfully I hung up when my cell phone was called. Thankfully I did not respond to the e-mail. One plus one equals two. I was convinced there really was a problem. Our credit card experienced problems before — we were alerted by the bank.

I’m sharing this story with you right away. We work hard for our resources, hopefully don’t waste them. We don’t need to give them away to people who prey on us!

My wish for you: May you have a SAFE and HEALTHY HOLIDAY SEASON and a healthy 2017.

Comments on: "SCAMMED" (1)

  1. Wow. Thanks for this heads up. An email to match your phone number though is just so meticulous. I can’t believe it!

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