Random Acts of "Kindness"

Posts tagged ‘COMPUTER’


When my father passed over, he had not learned how to use a computer. But he was very comfortable with a typewriter. It did not take him long to learn how to mess with my writing. My father was a very intelligent man. He was an inventor and a printer. It did not take him long to STOP computers from working or to stop the printer from printing. It did not take him long to figure out how to erase some of the words that I was writing. Soon after my father passed, I began a new learning. Some things I understood quickly, others took a MUCH LONGER TIME.

When my husband passed, he had the advantage of knowing how computers worked. Also cell phones. He has made his presence known in a way that is uniquely his. He stops the TV from working. He prevents my changing the channels. He is having a GRAND TIME MESSING with my text messages on the cell phone. Since my father did not include those things in his “help” I’m reasonably certain that it is my husband.

Then India started appearing on my cell phone when I was checking the weather. I was CONFUSED. It took a bit of time before I figured out where the 102 temperature was coming from. I knew it wasn’t in my back yard. Finally I learned it was in Rajasthan, India. Exactly where that city is India I have no idea. Why is it important? Another good question. The first time it occurred I thought since I was going shopping, it might be a message to wear a mask. I DID.

The temperature has popped up a few more times. I wasn’t planning on going out. I wasn’t planning on going shopping. After a few days, and help from the news paper, I realized that Ramadan was beginning. That is a month long religious celebration in which the people fast from sunrise to sundown. They don’t even drink water or smoke. They will have a harder time during this pandemic. Since I realized that — India only pops up when I’m going shopping.

As I was writing this thought ramble, the thought popped up that it might be interesting to see if there is really a message on the cell phone. It will be interesting to test out the theory.


Was I angry? Good question — No, I laughed. So now I’m sure you are wondering what I’m writing about. When I visited the post office, the clerk’s and my conversation revolved around how “my friends in high places” communicated with me. We spoke of flickering lights, trouble with the phone and computer problems. When I arrived home, I wrote POST OFFICE, followed by SMOOTHIE. I try to keep the ramble to around 500 words and I was already over my self imposed limit. Writing SMOOTHIE, I had another thought that I decided to share. I save all of my rambles on a external hard drive — except SMOOTHIE got stuck in a loop — refused to be saved and impossible to get the original screen back. I’m not sure how I solved the problem, it was probably a time when I kept trying various methods until something worked. When SMOOTHIE appeared on the screen, it was missing the last paragraph. AND I UNDERSTOOD that the thought shouldn’t be shared and laughed.

I first experienced my “editor” when I was writing TO PAP,WITH LOVE. I had TROUBLE — sentences disappeared, I watched words disappear like the computer game Pac Man that ate stuff. Whole paragraphs disappeared when the computer locked. I had trouble printing a chapter — I thought I hadn’t written it well and tried to improve the writing. The trouble finally stopped when I realized it wasn’t in the writing — we had been given the present of a beautiful day. Lesson learned and REMEMBERED.


I thought SACRED SPACE was a limited time but I’m wondering if it is continuing. My grandson’s birthday is approaching as is the anniversary of my maternal grandmother’s birthday. Shopping with a friend yesterday, I found a dime laying by the trunk closure, not inside the trunk on the floor bed, but in the ridge of the weather striping.

I discovered a brand new mystery book by a favorite author at half price. I was unaware that she had a new book coming out. I found slippers that I thought were on sale for $7, for which I was charged $3 on my sales slip. I found a couple of presents for my grandchildren in the clearance section. Summer is approaching and their toys at the camper haven’t kept up with their age. Sitting waiting for a friend, an elderly woman sat down to rest next to me. She mentioned that she was just released from the hospital and being curious, I inquired to the reason. Learning that sugar was a factor, I shared our success with Dream Fields spaghetti helping to control my husband’s diabetes.

I KNOW that “my editors” are paying attention. So now I have a new question. Recently I have received many ideas to write about. Is my life getting busier and I’ll have less time to write? Or should I publish more often? Many questions — no immediate answers.


Do your electronic devices have a mind of their own? I often think that mine do, or are receiving “help” from the other side. When my father passed over, he did not have ANY experience with computers. Because of Alzheimer’s, his memory had eroded to the point where he could not learn anything new. Evidently, on his passing, his well being and mental capacity were completely restored — QUICKLY. The day of his wake, computer problems intensified. My son, a computer programmer, said a bunch of “unseen helpers” were loose at his place of business, having a party. EVERYTHING — computers, printers were having fits. That night, my daughter’s fiancée was trying to work on his college paper at our house. Our computer misbehaved so badly that he gave up. While I was writing TO PAP, WITH LOVE — my printer often jammed and the computer edited my writing, taking out sentences and paragraphs.

Why am I mentioning these things? Purpose – I want to show that I am familiar with “help” from the other side. Recently my cell phone stopped ringing; only vibrating when a phone call came in. I didn’t notice the malfunction right away. In fact, almost three days passed before I became aware of the situation. Now I will admit that I don’t receive many cell phone calls. I was waiting for a return phone call on a repair to our trailer; phone near by so I would hear the ring, when I learned of the problem. We tried everything to fix it with no success. I phoned my children, told them of the problem and asked them to call their father’s phone. We were out in the country, far from a store carrying our cell phone provider. Meanwhile, I debated on the type of phone I wanted to get. My phone is a flip camera phone. It doesn’t have access to the computer or any of the new enhancements. I don’t even text, and I use my camera for pictures — not my phone. Would my phone still be available? Would I want a new smart phone? How much would our bill increase? Good questions — no easy answer.

We were expecting our first great grand-daughter. It was very important to me that we learned of the birth as soon as she was born. Those in my family with newer phones received a text message AND A PICTURE OF THE NEW PRINCESS when she was born. Thankfully they phoned me. The baby’s grandmother phoned about an hour later — but since we were talking rather than texting — I got more details. I won’t bore you.

Another week passed. We were still in the country. I still have a phone that did not ring but I could make calls. I was still undecided as to the phone I wanted to buy. Along came my BIRTHDAY. MY PHONE RANG TWICE — when two of my children called. And it still rings when a phone call comes in.

The weather is beautiful. We are staying another week. I still don’t know if I will replace my phone, or which new one I will choose.

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