Random Acts of "Kindness"

Archive for September, 2020


I’m sure I’m not alone. Events in my life are often linked. Although there is an order — it is not often visible unless someone happens to notice. I NOTICED.

It all started when our youngest daughter suggested that an Anti-Inflammatory diet might help me. I have been interested in the healing properties of food for some time. I have to admit that I really don’t have much knowledge. She mentioned a cookbook she had. I inquired and added to my collection. Our son looked at the recipes, noting that he would like to try the melon cooler. It looked refreshing. Made with honeydew, watermelon and cantaloupe.

Home from the camper — I attended Mass of the Nations. The homily focused on keys. Having keys suggested power and responsibility. Since I had been away from home for more than a week, we NEEDED a couple of groceries. A grocery store is only a short walk from our house. Leaving the house in the morning, while it was still cool, I met a neighbor I hadn’t seen in a couple of years. She resides in Indiana and Chicago. She is a doctor. After we had Mabel, our chocolate lab put down, she helped me with our decision. Mabel was no longer able to deal with the 90 temps. She would lay down tin the shade when I stopped to talk. She might have had a heart attack. And I knew she was correct. (Coincidentally after 27 days of 90 temps, we are having another week.) Although I’m sure she is in town often, because of Covid 19 I hadn’t seen her. While I was speaking to her, a couple of my other neighbors came out.

As soon as I entered the store I saw honey dew melon, watermelon and cantaloupe. Purchase 3 for $12. The recipe came to mind. I didn’t want to buy three melons. But cut up, ready to use — worked for me.

Keys: power? Responsibility? Thankfully I have friends in high places who help me. Needing a refill on my blood pressure medicine, I also got a flu and pneumonia shot.

Crushing ice for the cooler was challenging. Crushing 4 cubes at a time worked better. THE MELON COOLER WAS DELICIOUS AND HEALTHY.


I was not pleased with myself. It was the middle of summer and I had forgotten that I wanted a statue to remember my husband. I DID NOT WANT an angel. I like angels. I particularly LOVE THE HELP I get from the other side. I have many angel statues. I wanted more than an angel to express my husband. He was all things that an angel is: kind, caring, generous, helpful, considerate, patient etc. I’m sure you get the idea. But my husband was SO MUCH MORE.

There was always a twinkle in my husbands eyes. He was often up to mischief. He was full of ideas. Ready to take on a new challenge. I NEEDED MORE THAN AN ANGEL. There were many statues of soldiers. Although he served in the military, he was much more than a soldier. I wondered if I could find a fisherman. Or a motorcycle rider. Something that would express my husband’s personality.

Our youngest daughter went with me to the nursery near the campground to find a tree to plant in my husband’s memory. That is were I FOUND THE BOY. He had fallen, broke his football, took off the tip of his nose. He was marked down. Standing on a table waiting for me. He wore a cap tilted at an angle, hands in a pocket and was sculptured with a bandage on his leg. He reminded me of a rough and tumble boy. He reminded me of my husband. He was MINE!

Next question. Where should I put him. Should I wait until we get the tree and put the statue near the tree? Should I put him in the garden? I set him on top of one of our soldiers (name given to a huge tree trunk left over from the tornado)? Rain was predicted for the evening. I was concerned that strong winds would make the boy fall from his high perch.

My concern for the boy’s well being led me to the best place for him. He is standing on our deck. I can see him from my kitchen window. I can see him from sitting in my husband’s place on the deck.

The next interesting question can not be answered until I close up our camper for the FALL. Will the BOY stay in the country waiting for SPRING or will he come back home with me for the winter. Only time will tell.

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