Random Acts of "Kindness"

Posts tagged ‘mobility’


By now you have probably realized that I write my thought rambles in advance — schedule them to publish when life is busy and rearrange my publishing schedule as life dictates.

I awoke to a beautiful sunrise in the country, so beautiful they captured it on the morning news. Including the forecast for the coming week, we will have 10 days without rain. The last time that this stretch of dry weather occurred was in 2012 — two years ago.

This morning the Jewish community is celebrating Rosh Hashanah. Robin and I have just returned from our morning walk — a little over 4 miles of gently rolling hills. The steep ascent is easier for me because Robin assists in pulling me up hill. On our walk I thought about my legs which were protesting. Yesterday we visited a state park — steeper hills and totaled with my morning walk, I had walked over 9 miles. I knew why my knees were hurting but Robin is young — she wasn’t stiff and tired so we walked.

The past Sunday, we visited our youngest daughter’s church. I noticed a very heavy woman sitting in a large motorized wheel chair. Once upon a time — I was very shy — only spoke when spoken to — but times have changed. The members of my daughter’s church are very friendly, but this woman was sitting all alone — so I took the opportunity to chat. I learned that Sharon was very happy with her mobility chair – until it arrived in February, she was a prisoner of her abode because of our snowy, icy winter., only able to go out to the doctors. “I can walk”, she told me. “But not for long — the pain in my feet and legs becomes severe.”

With her new chair, she was not only able to visit the doctor, but had a day out — shopping at a treasure store, a bookstore and stopping for coffee. Freedom, something she hadn’t had in a long time.

After yesterday morning’s walk I talked to a man who was fishing, wearing a brace on his leg. He had knee replacement surgery but an infection had developed — the new knee was removed and now concrete blocks were implanted to fight the infection.

We stopped at Farm and Fleet today to pick up a few things. Both walnuts and pecans were on sale — I bought both . A heavy man whizzed through the store on his motorized aid. I could tell that he shopped there often from his familiarity with the store. When I left the store, I was surprised to see a huge, black 3/4 ton Ford truck with its handicap designed drivers door open, the lift resting on the ground. Even though we were in a small town, thieves are every where. As we drove around the truck, my husband suggested I look inside. A German shepherd was stretched out — reclining on the back seat. His truck was perfectly safe.

Wandering with spirit, SOME WEEKS ARE LIKE THAT.

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