Random Acts of "Kindness"

Posts tagged ‘healthy-living’


Haylie Pomroy, in her book, The Fast Metabolism Diet, writes that the reader should trust the process. Give up the alcohol, the dairy, the caffine, the potatoes, the sugar and allow the body to recover. I’m almost through with the first week and I have to admit, I’M EXTREMELY HAPPY with my weight loss. As I write this, we are at our camper were I do not have access to a scale, but before leaving, our scale at home showed a weight loss of anywhere from three to five pounds. That was two days ago. I’m not sure of the exact amount because when we arrived home from our youngest daughter’s, the pizza and gyros had raised my sodium levels, therefore my weight.

I have been trying for more years than I care to count to lose weight. I eat a healthy diet and exercise. Boosting my exercise didn’t work nor did limiting the food I ate. The SCALE DID NOT MOVE DOWN, just up! Having the weight melt off with no extremes on my part is a gift. To which I say THANK YOU!
I will admit that healing the sore on my left leg held priority. I didn’t go to extremes, limiting food or tough exercise — I did not feel the burn. I’m not feeling the burn now either. The amount of recommended exercise is low: Cardiac – one of the first two days, strength training – one of the second two, and either yoga, massage or a walk on one of the last three.

I told my family that I would give the first week a serious try. I will admit that I have had a cup or two of coffee a couple of days, and a small piece of Italian bread. Other than that, I have followed the eating plan. I miss my chocolate and an occasional cookie. I’m sticking to it for another week or the rest of the 28 days. Who knows, I might continue on until I reach my desired weight. I have no idea at this point what it is. As we were heading for the camper, I noticed that a fashion outlet mall is being built. I mentioned to my husband that I just might have to go shopping there — to replace my wardrobe. For the first time in a long time. I’M EXCITED. I can trust that it will happen as long as I FOLLOW THE PROCESS!

Enough about the process, except I must admit that I see hands working behind the scene to help me find the right food, especially that which is already hidden in our freezer. Eating breakfast 30 minutes after waking is tough, especially preparing the food. Especially since the food changes every few days. That is where I’m getting in trouble the most. I bought a whole watermelon thinking the fruit was legal and our grandchildren would be at the camper to help me eat it. Well, the food is only legal on the first two days and my grandchildren are not coming out. Best laid plans of mice and men —–.

I planned to go swimming in the pool — it rained, more is predicted for each day we are out here. I planted geraniums — they looked lovely, returning to the camper, I saw nubs. ?? Then I saw the reason for the nubs — Momma deer and her twins ran through the park across the street. I guess my flowers were a tasty treat, and just the right size, down on the ground. I’m planting more flowers, I also bought a bottle of deer fence, it is supposed to keep the plants intact and growing. I just need the rain to STOP!

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