Random Acts of "Kindness"

Posts tagged ‘GRANDMOTHER’


I lived with my father’s mother for quite a few years when I was young. She probably has had the most influence on my cooking habits — health and long life probably came from her also.

My grandmother was of Swedish decent, mother of eleven children and excellent cook. Since she had such a large family, she knew how to stretch her money and had a dry humor. I have since learned that she earned money sewing beads and sequins on fabric. (That must be where another of my interests comes from.) She passed over at the young age of 91.

Recently I published the thought ramble GRANDMOTHER to honor her on her birthday. That particular day I was shopping with a friend — girls day out. We met for breakfast at Gramma Sally’s, then proceeded to Wal-Mart for a bit of shopping. I had my list, for a change I was prepared. (Don’t laugh!) I really didn’t have a lot of stuff to purchase so I wandered the food aisles. I was surprised when I found a box of no-sodium beef bouillon. Since I eat a sodium restricted diet it was A LOVELY find. It wasn’t with the soups, it was with the sugar. There is NO WAY I would have found it. I must admit I bought three boxes.

It was a day when I left my mind at home. I left home without checking my wallet for cash. I wandered the store, checking my list — everything listed was in my cart, or if not, purposely not purchased. I felt something was missing, but I couldn’t remember what it was.

Walking through the parking lot, with my loaded cart, I remembered — I forgot to check the clearance aisle for miniature planes. My granddaughter mentioned she liked them too when I gave a set to her brother.

My friend suggested I go back to the store and look. She was happy to wait in the car. So I did. I wandered the clearance aisle, searching from top to bottom, all the items that were on the three shelves. I searched from North to South. On the other side, a clerk was stacking more items on the shelf. I asked if she has seen the planes. I asked if she had any planes in her cart. Both answers were negative. I proceeded to search the opposite side of the aisle, South to North, three shelves with more stuff hanging from posts. I was about to give up when I saw THREE packages of planes, marked down to five dollars each on the last post in the aisle. All THREE were MINE! I decided that $15 wasn’t too much to spend for something that I knew my grandkids would enjoy. Imagine my surprise when the grand total for the purchase of all three packages was $4.92. THANK YOU GRAMMA!

My plans for the grocery store was very limited since my freezer is stocked. I wanted some catfish until I saw they were on sale and one bag became two. Then I notice if I spent $25, I would get a ham butt for .69 a pound. That was too good a deal to pass up. All I had to do was find another $6 of food to buy, but it couldn’t be frozen or need freezing. There was no room. I had a challenge — I MET IT!

Did I mention that I said THANK YOU again.


More than 20 years ago — although struggling with dementia, my father was still alive, — and I was stressed. I listened to various recordings hoping to help with the stress of my world. While at work, I listened to this tape, and I remember thinking “I’m in trouble now.” I don’t remember the title — my guess is Grandmother’s Wisdom. I don’t remember the words but I remember the theme. A grandmother’s responsibility is to use her wisdom to help the next generation regardless of the relationship. It is her job to use her knowledge to help the children of the world. And since I was a grandmother, I was able to relate to the subject matter. Evidently I have ingested those words and made it a part of my life. I don’t stand on ceremony when I see something wrong — I interact with children everywhere.

Since this has become part of my life, we were in the right place, at the right time to help a little one with a problem. Four men and three girls were having breakfast at the restaurant. The men, if not grandfathers, were close to that age. The girls were little, my guess two — six. I planned to go to the bathroom when I noticed only coats occupied the chairs were the girls were sitting. Since the bathroom isn’t large, I decided to wait until they came back out. I didn’t have long to wait when two of the older girls came back to talk to the Dad, then they disappeared back into the bathroom. When this occurred two more times, I overheard the Dad say: “I can’t go in there. I’m not a girl.”

Grandmother to the rescue. I said “I’m a girl” and asked if I should try to help. (I didn’t want to barge in without permission.) In the bathroom, I asked the youngest girl if I could help her and when she tearfully nodded her head, I learned what the problem was. Her underwear was stained. I don’t know if it just happened or if she just discovered it, but she didn’t want to wear it anymore. “No problem — lets take it off.” Which meant, taking off her boots, skirt, leotards and her panties. Then putting the clothing back on. I told her we would wrap her panties up in a towel and give it to her father to take home. Problem solved. Luckily, her leotards also had panties. She didn’t have to go commando. Okay — I put her boots on the wrong feet and I put her skirt on backwards but both were easily fixed. I also cautioned the older girls who were teasing the younger one that they could easily have the same problem some time. They should have helped her, rather than laughed at her. And I remembered the tape that I listened to so many years ago — grandmother to the world.

I was recently at our accountants office, dropping off the information for income tax. He asked me where I got the ideas to write about. I mentioned that I have “friends in high places” who want me to write. They often provide me with the subject matter, and when I’m paying attention, I have a new blog.

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