Random Acts of "Kindness"

Posts tagged ‘Prayers’


A friend asked me the other day if I was on my list. Did I think of the things that I wanted to do or did I put everyone else first. I laughed because I realized that once again I have slipped off my list. Too much coming and going — too much trying to catch up — never succeeding — too much just doing what was necessary.

We were at our youngest daughter’s home. Seven o’clock in the morning, I had already taken our dog for a walk, made a pot of coffee, unloaded the dish washer and made breakfast for my grandchildren, plus fed the dogs — hers and ours. I opened my daughter’s Mom’s Devotional bible to Isaiah 40:11. “Tends his flock like a shepherd, gather’s his lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart and gently leads those that have young.” I thought it rather described my morning.

Sunday morning, I opened to a reflection titled Sitting on the Bench. I didn’t write down the passage it referred to, but I remember it concerned watching the proceedings without actually taking an active part. At our daughter’s church that morning, the minister asked the congregation if our life reflected our values — even on Facebook. Was our life God centered? Afterwards, reflecting on the question in my mind, a church member told me that I was a light in his life. I guess I was given an answer.

Sunday night, I didn’t sleep well. I was EXTREMEMLY WORRIED! I don’t want to share the reason right now, it really isn’t important. I opened the Bible to God Answers Prayers. The question: Does God answer yours? Do you keep a journal? Soon after reading that piece, I had a conversation that eased my worries. There is still cause for concern and they are still in my prayers, but not in immediate danger. YES, GOD ANSWERS MY PRAYERS. Not always as quickly, nor do I get the answer that I want, but my prayers are definitely answered.

Back home again, the planes are practicing for the air and water show. Soon after my father passed to the other side, I had a dream in which I was a pilot of a Blue Angel plane. The story WINGS is in Journey With Me. Neither of the books I have written have become best sellers but I’m confident that they have helped many people. Why am I bring this up NOW? I love to try to find the planes as they are practicing. They fly over our house much to the distress of our dogs. At 11:00 I heard the planes — rather early for a practice and a day earlier than usual. I wondered what planes were in the sky. Standing in the alley to have a better view without the trees, I saw two planes in the distance. I wondered which ones they were. I soon had my answer, two planes flew so low I saw the writing on their wings — BLUE ANGELS. They usually close the show. Around 3:00, I was shopping at a store and heard planes flying overhead — I wondered which ones they were and watched the skies when I exited the store. Smaller, with gold on their wings, six planes, performing maneuvers. A person collecting carts used to work on them when he was in the service — I learned they were from the navy.

The Mind, Body, Spirit Expo is this weekend. Although I love going, I planned to be in the country with my daughter’s family — swimming, fishing —. God had other plans. This has been a wet, cool summer. This weekend is more of the same. Wet, rainy — not a good weekend for outdoor activities. Our daughter is staying home, so are we. Hello Expo!

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