Random Acts of "Kindness"

Posts tagged ‘Weight Loss’


I am extremely glad that I have a TEAM IN HIGH PLACES that “help” me with my life. I was reminded of the word “team” when this morning I watered my African Violet that “Muscles” gave to me more than 30 years ago. He has passed over and takes care of the plant because I seldom remember to water it.

There is more than one meaning to the word “help.” I have been aware for years that my writing passes an editor. If the thought ramble is acceptable, it is published. If it doesn’t — either changes are made or it is discarded.

Since I have had “help” for years, I am more aware of little things that alert me to the fact that I have had “help.” It might be something simple as finding the right product in the store, finding a GREAT SALE, or having someone appear when I need help. It can be an article in the paper or a magazine that I need to read. It can be a television program that is of interest to me. Recently turning on the television to check on programs coming on, I was surprised to listen to the viewpoint of a gentleman who is running for president. Another night I wandered onto a program of music by young musicians who wrote a song to honor his grandmother who had died of pancreatic cancer.

If I don’t have a thought ramble ready to publish, my life becomes extremely interesting. Not in ways that I choose. Recently I pulled a stack of 10 cookbooks out to look for suggestions of what to cook. I noticed that many of the choices where fish — shrimp, salmon etc. Chicken also played a high place in the choices. Since my husband has passed, I’ve expanded the recipes I’m making to include more vegetables.

My watch reminds me daily that I haven’t logged into My Fitness Pal to note the food I’m eating. A recent article in a magazine reminded me to log back in and track my menu options. Will I lose weight? That is a very good question. The answer is that I have many “friends” in both spheres that have my best interests at heart. I have added tracking my food at My Fitness Pal to the daily have to do list.


I have to admit that I was undecided. I watch my sodium but when we eat out, I have NO control over the salt that is added for seasoning. I try the best I can to make smart decisions. Eating out caused my weight to go up 3 lbs. The temperature increased and the weight hung on. And MY KNEES HURT!

I’ve read that one pound of weight puts 4 pounds of pressure on the knees. In my lifetime I have tried so many diets that promised a lot and did not deliver. If I’m honest, I have to admit that when I’m stressed, I nibble. I try to stay with food that is healthy, but that doesn’t always happen.

I was trying to figure out what to do about my weight. Of course more exercise would help but my body parts are not helping right now. I decided that watching my food intake would be a good decision. But what should I do? Everything I thought of didn’t seem right. I DIDN’T WANT to start a diet.

In the midst of this turmoil, my husband’s sister phoned. She is older. She SUCCESSFULLY LOST more than 30 lbs in less than a year. Thankfully health problems didn’t cause the loss. She ate more vegetables and fruit. She walked more and stopped eating after 6.00 PM. She restricted her beverage after 6 to ice water.

Sounded good to me. Except I can’t stop eating after 6. But I decided to WATCH sodium, try to get more protein and walk more. Several health articles have emphasized additional protein for senior citizens. The amount of protein suggested is 100gm.

Restricting sodium is not EASY. If I have shredded wheat for breakfast, no sodium is in the cereal. Cheese is high in protein but it is also high in sodium. Thankfully Swiss cheese is lower but is still high in protein. Bread is very high in sodium, but some crackers are low and the new sandwich thins are also lower than bread.

Drinking more water helped. I LOST the three pounds of water weight. Just in time because the temperature heated up. We had a week of temperatures that were in the high 90’s.

Sadly once the water weight was gone, weight loss stopped.


I can’t count the number of times that I have started over . Weight up — new diet. Some with success for a short time but the weight came back — again and again. The problem is that for the most part I eat a healthy diet. Because of sodium restrictions I don’t eat a lot of processed foods. I don’t drink pop — regular or diet. I don’t eat a lot of bread or cookies or candy. In other words I don’t have a lot of food to give up in order to quickly lose weight. I learned that limiting meat doesn’t work for my body so vegetarian isn’t an option. I’ve been reading that some people have been successful by increasing their vegetable intake and decreasing the amount of protein. Still open to new ideas but treading cautiously. I prefer chicken thighs to chicken breasts. A recent article mentioned that chicken drumsticks and thighs were packed with vitamin K-2, a tough to find nutrient that blocks plaque buildup inside arteries.

I acquired an Instant Pot in the Fall. My plans to use it more often hasn’t worked out as I had planned. I have enough cookbooks. I just haven’t taken the time to develop enough recipes. I also have an older pressure cooker. I have used it for years when I’m cooking dried beans. Recently I used it to make turkey bone broth. A recipe in a new instant pot cookbook suggested it cook for an hour and a half. One and one made two. I realized I could use my older pressure cooker for the purpose. I was comfortable using it, and an hour and a half on the stove — adding heat to the house, seemed worthwhile. The result was fantastic. I’ve also learned that chicken feet are available for purchase at Wal-Mart, an ingredient mentioned for bone broth.

Because of the weather — January, February — I have limited my walking outside. We have a treadmill but I don’t like to use it. When we had our daughter’s dogs as guests, I stopped exercising. All three wanted to help me and I must admit, their help wasn’t needed. When the dogs left, I continued to be lazy. Any benefit I had gotten from exercise was soon lost. My neck became more stiff, hurt to turn when driving. Although I had continued with bone broth, my knees were rebelling. Lack of exercise, weight or weather — it is hard to tell.

I decided that I was going to increase the number of steps I walked each day. I wasn’t going to settle with 2,000. I aimed for 5,000. It is easy to get that number of steps when I’m shopping or walking outside. It is harder to get them when I’m restricted inside. Still stretching– I’m trying to increase the number of steps to 6,000.

Weight is down slightly, not enough to jump up and down and rave about, but my wrist is smaller. I’ve had to tighten the band on my watch. I’m hoping that reduced weight and increased steps will improve not only my weight but my walking ability. `


I thought I had the perfect title for a thought ramble, until I looked to see if it was used. YEP! Sadly the date wasn’t listed on the file. Great idea, I just didn’t think of doing it until now. Just for giggles, I read the thought ramble. Everything listed is still true. In fact, I was amazed at the writing. I know for a fact, that I am the one who puts down thoughts in these rambles. So often, I’m pleased with what I have written. I don’t feel the need to take out a red pen and revise. Of course, I will admit that I have unseen editors who influence what prints. If “they” don’t like it, it either disappears or won’t save until it is fixed.

This thought is not what inspired the title. Of course searching for a title is becoming harder and harder. When a thought ramble shares the same title, I might add a number. Shrinking #2. There are many different ways that shrinking is used. As time passes, a loan might shrink. Days pass, a vacation is nearer or the ending of the school year. The number of classes that is required to graduate or get a degree also becomes less. I wouldn’t might if my shrinking referred to my weight. Sadly I keep reading about people who have lost 20, 30 or 100 pounds. Sadly I’m not one of them. I used to try each new diet, hoping for a GREAT result. Even if I stuck to the diet without cheating, if I lost ONE POUND, it was a miracle. I have finally reached the conclusion that it doesn’t matter how much my height decreases, my weight will remain the same. Now if I added diet or regular soda to my eating, or cakes, cookies, candy, and then gave them up I might see a difference. I don’t need to gain extra pounds in order to lose extra weight. For the most part, I eat a healthy diet.

I decided to increase my exercise. I have restarted Jane Fonda Fit and Strong. I was hesitant to do so. I remembered the various exercises that was in the second part and didn’t think I would be able to do it. I had forgotten how many GOOD exercises were in the first part. The first part fits my body better right now. Many of them are seated. I will admit that many times my knees don’t like what I have done. Jane says that the exercises will get easier. I’m waiting impatiently. Thinking back, I’ve tried to remember when my neck lost its flexibility. I don’t remember having trouble turning my neck, Suddenly, I do. Are the exercises helping? I don’t know but in order to drive, I have to be able to turn my neck.

I can’t stop my height from shrinking, but hopefully I will be able to regain my muscles. I want to have strength to open a can, lift a pot. I’ll gladly leave the heavy lifting to those who have muscles, just so I can do the things that are important to me.


Its not FAIR! I’ve never been tall but I was able to reach stuff on the shelves. Okay! I’ll admit that my youngest daughter was taller than me and when she rearrange the dishes and other stuff I couldn’t reach them. But for the most part, I was able to reach the stuff in my cabinets. Then I noticed that I had to stand on my toes to reach some stuff. Then I noticed that I was afraid I would drop stuff I was putting away. Then I decided that for the safety of various cups and glasses, I had to rearrange the shelves.

I realized I was using the step I purchased for my grandchildren more often. I also realized that it wasn’t tall enough. Or had I shrunk again? My grandson who is twelve is taller than me. His sister will soon be. To make life even more interesting, my husband had shoes on — I was barefoot. I only came up to his chin! He is older, but he doesn’t seem to be shrinking.

I have a wider two step stool that I’m using more often. I hate to admit it, but I’m also using a 2 step ladder to reach the top shelves. I hate to admit it — but it doesn’t seem to be tall enough. Of course it doesn’t help that I have lost my flexibility. If I’m on the floor — sitting is better for my knees, getting up is a challenge. I try not to meet the floor on that level.

Shopping has also become a challenge. First off — I don’t have the strength that I had. Injuries and weight have caused some of that. Also laziness has played a factor. I’ll admit that I have time to exercise. I just don’t do it. Yoga is supposed to help with height. Somehow I don’t think my height will stretch out if I resume yoga. I have been doing Tai Chi on a regular basis. Some of it is muscle memory, some of it is distracted thinking.

I’ve become better at asking for help when I can’t reach a product on the shelf. I’ve become better at searching for tall people who can reach what I can’t. I’ve become better of asking for help when a product — 40 bottles of water is too heavy for me to safely move.

I might vow that I will begin again to do Jane Fonda’s strength training. And I might, it just hasn’t happened yet. I might also begin another exercising program. The pain in my shoulder seems to have diminished, as has the pain in my back. Am I scared to do any of the exercises that caused the pain in the beginning. Good question — no answer.

I’m looking forward to summer — the camper and exercising in the water. I’m also looking forward to losing a few pounds. I’ve tried most of the year so far without success. The only thing I can say in my defense is that I’m maintaining my weight. NOT GAINING. Hopefully I will stop SHRINKING!


Years ago, I used to watch Dr. Oz on Oprah’s morning show. Then he got a show of his own, and I turned it on regularly. Time passed — I realized the although Dr. Oz had a lot of good information, I couldn’t use most of it and at times, the various health issues had me concerned. I found it was better for me to only watch it every once in a while. But I bought some of his books. Four to be exact. Looking at the titles that are in my library, and the titles that are in his newest book, seven didn’t catch my attention. Some of them are meant for younger parents — raising children, teenagers. Some might have been of interest to me but I didn’t know about them.

Since I don’t have an intuition that speaks to me, things I need to know or be aware of are brought to my attention by other means. Reading one of the weekly woman’s magazines I learned Dr. Oz had a new book coming out — Food Can Fix It. Since I’m having issues with various body parts, my interest was peaked.

I was at Costco for a food run or prescriptions or something important. Entering the store, I noticed a large pork roast in a woman’s cart. I have often bought that particular item, especially when it is on sale and cut it into chops or roasts. Since it caught my attention, I looked for it. It was on sale — $2.00 off to be exact. Now I know that isn’t a lot of money but pennies and dimes add up when you are on a limited income. It would have been very smart on my part to look for a smaller pork loin. But sometimes I don’t necessarily do the smartest thing. I don’t know if I found the largest, but it wasn’t the smallest — 20 lbs. to be exact. I cut it into 2 roasts and 4 packages of boneless pork chops.

While in the store, I looked at the book shelf. I found Dr. Oz’s new book — it was quickly in my cart. We were going out to the camper for our last trip of the year. Pool is closed — I would have plenty of time to read. But I couldn’t buy it? It was not supposed to be on sale for three more days. It would have been illegal! I wasn’t HAPPY!

Since it was an honest mistake, the manager told me that I could have it for FREE when it was available for sale. Thankfully we would still be in town. Our insurance company wouldn’t okay our prescriptions until then.

I returned to Costco on Monday. I picked up our prescriptions and went to the desk to get my book. Someone had put it AWAY! Thankfully I found the gentleman I had spoken to and he went on a treasure hunt for me. He found the books, still in their boxes on the floor. I HAVE the new book. Will reading it help my body? Good question. It includes a 21 day weight loss plan. I don’t have any expectations that the plan will work for me.

JUST A NOTE: Since we were in town, I took the opportunity to switch my summer clothes for winter — to be prepared for the cooler weather that was expected at the camper. While I was packing up my clothes, the forecast predicted a couple days in the 90’s. I SHOULD HAVE PAID ATTENTION. I DID NOT! I packed ALL of my long dresses, shorts and tank tops along with lighter weight clam diggers and slacks. The 90s continued for more than a couple of days. SIX to be exact. I wondered what I was going to wear to church. Thankfully I hadn’t packed my exercise clothes but I wasn’t wearing them to church. I retrieved clothes that I put in a donation bag. And THANKFULLY the colder weather that had been predicted for the camper was exaggerated. It will be in the high 70’s.


I might have mentioned or complained before that my knees were giving me problems. Now the smart thing to do would have been to go to the doctor and get x-rays to determine what was causing the pain. But I didn’t do that. At first I gave my self a time limit — if my knees weren’t better by —–? That day came and went and I still delayed.

I tried to lose weight. My problem is that for the most part, I eat healthy and don’t snack. I eat candy — but I only have a couple pieces of dark chocolate a day. I drink a couple glasses of red wine a day too. But I don’t drink pop or a lot of juice so most of the stuff that is given up to lose weight is not on my eating plan. Nor do I eat a lot of processed food — most of them are high in sodium and I’m restricted. I have been drinking apple cider vinegar with honey in the morning to help my digestion. I think that drink has contributed to my loss of belly fat.
This summer when we were at the camper, I joined others in the pool for aquacize. Exercising in the water was good for my various body parts. I didn’t use any weights so I didn’t stress my shoulder or knees. I was careful when it came to leg exercises. I wish I could say that the pain decreased. If I paid attention to the wear on my shoes and got a new pair in a timely fashion it might have. I didn’t go for the long nature walks that had been my practice in other years.

So I’m rambling on and I bet you are wondering why. I just have to share. I’m so pleased! In August when we were in central Illinois, my husband and I drove to horse county (my granddaughter’s term for Amish). There we visited their bulk food store, stopped for lunch, then visited their health food store.

I asked the young (80’s) man if they had anything that was good for arthritis and he recommended ARTHOCIN — for joint lubrication, flexibility and comfort. 2 pills a day along with Curamin for pain. They only take cash or checks at the store. I didn’t have enough money to buy both so I got the Arthocin. I’m happy to announce that after a month, the pain in both of my knees has diminished. I bought a joint specific Tumeric Curcumin to take for pain until I was able to get Curamin.

We are home at the moment but the pool is closed for the season at the camper. I might look for a pool in the city but we aren’t ready to just stay home yet. I did Jane Fonda’s strength training the other day and was surprised on the emphasis on the knees. I thought I might be in trouble — but thankfully I wasn’t. I’m able to sleep at night without knee pain keeping me awake. This morning I surprised myself when I walked down the stairs like I used to before knee pain. My shoulder is better also.

This morning, I started month two of taking Arthocin morning and evening. I don’t know if I will need to take it long term, but I’m happy with the results and have to share.


It is no secret — I’m always trying to lose weight. It has every thing to do with my knees hurting and my desire to get some of my weight off of them. I continue to try new things that might help. Since I’m no longer young and eat a healthy diet, it is not as easy as giving up soda and snacks. Because of various body parts, I can’t do the exercises I did was I was younger and more flexible. I’m always looking for a new diet plan or cookbook that will help me attain my goal.

Before we went to the camper the last time, I saw EAT TO LIVE, by Joel Fuhrman at Costco. When I picked the book up, I was impressed by the nutritional information. The recipes were quick to prepare, high on protein and low on sodium. Everything I need in a cookbook.

So far I have made four recipes from the book of 141 — one was a soup, two were salads. The only one that didn’t work to my expectation, was my fault. the soup and the salads were filling. I wasn’t hungry after lunch, looking for other stuff to eat. Did I lose any weight? I’m not sure. When we are at the camper, we eat out regularly and I consume more sodium than I should. The temperature has been in the 80’s. Do I drink enough water? Many questions — no good answers.

I enjoyed everything that I made. I found it helpful to have a salad in the fridge, ready to eat when I came home from the pool. I have planned not only to make the same recipes again, but I have looked through the book looking for more.

I have been going to aquacize on a regular basis. As long as I pay attention to the exercises, make sure I’m not stressing my shoulder or my knee, it seems to be good for my shoulder and for my knee. I’m having an easier time walking.

I tried on a dress I bought in Aruba last year, I couldn’t wear it, my tummy got in the way. I tried it on last night, it is now a possibility. That is PROGRESS!


When I was younger, if I wanted to lose weight, I would pick a diet, stay on it for a week or two and lose weight. Did you notice? I wrote when I was YOUNGER. Now I look at food, not even eat it and I gain weight. Heaven help me if I smell it. A slow cooker is a gift — prepare the food in the morning, set it to cook and eat it later in the evening when you are tired. Except — if you are home — the fragrance lingers in the rooms, promising good stuff to come. I have tried putting the slow cooker in the basement when Italian spices are included, as long as I stay out of the basement — it helps.

Weekly, monthly magazines always have a new plan, promising weight lose. I have tried a few — the weight loss promised never materializes. I haven’t given up though. Except I might FINALLY have realized what works for me. I wrote a few weeks back that the scale finally moved. It did — DOWN. It has been so long since my weight was down, I’m trying very hard to keep it off. But still live a normal (?) life.

I’m always captivated by a new recipe — especially for soup. Then of course I need to add my own spin. I usually end up with something that has no relationship to the original recipe but at the same time, I might not have liked that either. Since I’m sodium restricted, I eliminate salt and add spice. If I was smart, I would stay with the recipes I REALLY LIKE instead of experimenting with new stuff. Of course, I always say that when I’ve tried something new and missed the mark.

Realizing what works, noticing when weight has gone up and correcting immediately — I’m happy with the numbers I see in the morning. I’ve tried on a two piece bathing suit that I wore ONCE two years ago. Thankfully — this time I didn’t look like a seal AND I COULD GET THE TOP OFF. Last time I wore it, I was afraid I would be wearing it until it either fell off or I cut it off.

I’m still having 2 tablespoons of Braggs apple cider vinegar with honey in the morning and the evening. I’ve tried to increase the amount of water I drink. When I have too much sodium (ate out), I have a cup of dandelion tea — either root or detox. I’m still enjoying my red wine and dark chocolate along with 6 almonds in the morning.

Since I was so happy when I tried on the bathing suit — I tried on blouses that I received at Christmas that didn’t fit. Thankfully now — they DID. Caution to the wind, I tried on a jogging outfit that hung in my closet for too many years to count. IT FIT! I’m not giving up — I still would like to lose another pound or ten.


I gave in. I fought the good fight but I had to send up the white flag. For months, or should I say years — I have faithfully logged in my food in a notebook. I don’t measure it but for the most part, I was honest about what I was ingesting. I’m using that word because I can LOOK at food and gain weight — also the smells, oh — the aroma of pizza or popcorn or chocolate. Lets not mention hot dogs, steaks and other assorted invitations to eat.

On New Year’s Eve I vowed that I would exercise EVERY DAY! So far I have kept that resolution. Some days — my exercise is minimal. I’ve switched some exercise to right before bed — leg exercises and the various arm movements I did in the morning. Many nights I’m too tired but I convince myself to move. I seem to sleep better after. The morning I reserve for more strenuous exercises — Tai Chi, Jane Fonda, aerobics. A couple of years ago I did Simons or Belly Dancing — but it was a couple of years ago. I tried Belly Dancing last week, but my knees rebelled.

I was exercising, eating healthy — watching my proportions. Not snacking and THE SCALE REFUSED TO MOVE. Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating, maybe it went down an ounce only to go back up the next day. My knees continued to yell. I was getting upset with my lack of progress. I continued with apple cider vinegar with honey morning and night. I added Ashwagandha to deal with the stress of life and the results of the election. (I won’t comment on that.) And life went on — up one day, down the next. Oh, maybe down for two days, and I started to get excited only to go out to eat — have too much sodium and watch the numbers climb.

Now I know that if I gave up my wine it might help. But there are many advantages to drinking wine unless you over indulge, consume a bottle or more a day. I’m often reminded of the heart benefits of red wine.

So I ran up the white flag. I surrendered. With all my protesting, you would have thought I was doing something really HARD. Actually it is not. It is just time consuming and I have to PLAN! What am I making for supper? What am I eating when we go out? How many samples am I going to allow myself to have at Costco or other food store? In the morning, I’ll plan out my day using the program on MY FITNESS PAL.

I have only begun but my weight has DECREASED. I don’t know what the number is called. It was one those rounding ten numbers. And I’M UNDER IT. FOR THREE DAYS NOW and going lower. I will admit that I’m continuing on with my gratitude journal. I’m looking at cookbooks for recipes that the WHOLE family will enjoy. (Cooking for one, with two other people to cook for gets OLD!) I’ve made some soup for the freezer and it is my go to for lunch if I’m home. I’m also doing yogurt parfait sundaes for BREAKFAST. BUT I HAVEN’T HAD TO GIVE UP MY WINE OR DARK CHOCOLATE.

My knees still complain but it is early days yet. It dawned on me the other day that my weight in the morning is not as important for my knees as the weight in the evening. That is what my body carries around all day.

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