Random Acts of "Kindness"

Archive for June, 2023


As a baby I was baptized into the Catholic faith. I attended parochial grammar and high school. My attendance at Mass has been regular for a while, spotty for a while and regular again — depending on life. Since COVID, I attend Mass on television when I’m home. In the country I don’t’ have cable or internet. My knees make climbing stairs a challenge, especially when there isn’t a railing to hold on to.

By now you are wondering why I am writing about this. Hopefully it will soon be clear. Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday when God sent the Holy Spirit down to the apostles to give them courage. I knew Pentecost was near. I didn’t know the date and I was very happy to be home, and attend Mass.

I had planned to put a note on a thought ramble that I was taking the summer off. See you in the Fall. My plans changed. God laughed. He/She often does when my plans are voiced. I was reminded to share my talents. I know that I am blessed. I am aware of “help” from the other side. Sometimes it blocks my plans. I was encouraged, DIRECTED to continue sharing my life.

Outside I noticed that a rose was in bloom. The first rose of summer — Memorial weekend. Two years ago, we hired a landscaper to design our front yard. We are in shade all day. I asked for Hosta’s and large rocks. The landscapers planted roses. I saw my husband’s spirit in their decision. I had Hosta’s growing in the back yard and asked them to switch the plants.

Sunday afternoon I rested my knees on the back porch while supper was cooking. I took the opportunity to thank God for my life, my many blessings. When I came inside, I walked into the pantry for something. I entered a ROSE GARDEN. THE FRAGRANCE OF ROSES WAS VERY STRONG. THANK YOU –I was stopped. Words cannot express my feelings. I shared the experience with my children via text. I received the title for this thought ramble.


My original plan was to head for home on Thursday. Plans changed. Friday, I hoped to be on the road by 10. From experience I’ve learned that my speed has slowed. As much as I would like to do more, have more energy, move faster, IT DOESN’T HAPPEN.

Thursday night my granddaughter was promoted to high school. Because of Migraines it has been a rough year for her. She still has classes to finish online. We didn’t know if the unfinished classes would hold her back. I didn’t travel to watch her.

Friday morning, I heard on television that it was National Paper Airplane Day. Isa had made a paper airplane and flew it when they were at the camper. She had left the plane, so I took a photo and sent it to her via text. A photo of our snow covered back yard popped up. I mentioned Pap Pap was proud of her too. He was there Thursday night. The snow-covered photo popped back up.

I watched a tribute to an Airforce pilot shot down over Germany in 1944. Through DNA his bones had just been identified. I shared the news with friends at the camper as well as National Paper Airplane Day. A photo of a military man flanked by two females popped up. Bob has a Purple Heart.

10 flew by. I still had bags to load, things to do. It was chilly when I woke at 6.00. Something banging woke Robin up, her barking got me in motion. It was 45 degrees outside. By 10:00 the temperature had warmed enough that I could sit outside. My knees were protesting.

Car loaded by 11:30. Water turned off. Leaving the campground, traffic inbound was already heavy. I stopped for gas and learned they served lunch; Breaded cod fish accompanied me on my journey home.

Saturday morning the wait in line to enter the campground was 40 minutes. I was HAPPY I WAS HOME,

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