Random Acts of "Kindness"

Posts tagged ‘syncronicity’


When I was writing STILL COUNTING I had no plans to include a thought on our house or how well it suited our family. I was noting current things I considered to be gifts. Somehow I got sidetracked to the bigger picture — our house and family. While I was on the subject I asked the question — Did my mother help us find the house? I followed that thought up with how thankful I am for our family. That is how some of my thought rambles progress. One thought leads to another. I’m sure the ideas are not necessarily mine alone. Then I uploaded the thought ramble and picked the date it would publish — Jan 17. I’m sure you didn’t hear my laughter! The publish date was very appropriate for this thought ramble. The anniversary of my mother’s and brother’s passing is January 19. I never knew the anniversary date until my father passed and I found an old newspaper clipping. Neither my father nor any of my relatives mentioned it.

This isn’t the first time that the subject of my ramble coincided with some important date. I understand the relevance at the time but don’t note the reason for future reference — EXCEPT this one was too noteworthy.

The temperature of the weather in December was above normal — snow wasn’t in the forecast either. A nice change from the year before. Then January arrived with winter temperatures — single digits with a noticeable wind chill. Before taking Robin for a predawn walk, I put on my thermals and found a long scarf to go with my hat and mittens. Robin was wrapped in one of her coats. Most people were sleeping in, recovering from the night before. We met an older woman walking Charlie, her chocolate lab. It is no secret that I miss Mabel, our chocolate lab. Charlie loves our meet and greet. Robin doesn’t get upset when I spend a few minutes scratching his body. Robin isn’t a people person but she did sniff the owner’s hand. I learned that Charlie came from Oklahoma. Supposedly that is were Robin was born. Happy New Year!

This morning the cold front had passed by. The temperature was in the high teens with barely a wind. Robin didn’t need her extra coat. I didn’t need my thermals. Opening the kitchen door, I heard a cardinal greet the day. He is early and I told him so. The temperature is heading for the single digits next week, wind chills below zero. Last year, my first note of hearing a cardinal sing was the second week of February. We celebrated blue sky, gentle breeze by taking Robin to the beach. Instead of waves, ice now borders the shore.

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