Random Acts of "Kindness"

Archive for December, 2017


I like snow — I like the frosting on the trees, and the houses. The air seems fresher, maybe because it has been washed by the snow. When I was younger, I enjoyed many activities outside — ice skating, cross country skiing. Even younger it included sledding, making snowman and forts. Snowball fights.

Sadly, now — for the most part, I just enjoy looking at it, staying inside where it is warm or if I’m really adventurous — wandering the neighborhood — camera in hand — taking photos. As I write this I’m thinking of a photo I took of a garage roof, where the snow reminded me of a nun’s veil.

After a day, the snow begins to darken, reflecting the life of the city. As much as I like the snow — I DISLIKE THE ICE. This year, so far, we have had less than an inch of snow on two separate occasions. Both times, the snow had just fallen, when the warmth of the city turned it into ice. I would love to stay inside and wait for the ice to melt. But our dog Robin, DOES NOT agree. It would be lovely if we could open the door to the back yard and leave her out to do her business. She does not think that is what a backyard is for. She has to be out in the neighborhood, looking for squirrels or the treasures they leave behind.

As I have gotten older, I pay more attention to the soles of my shoes and boots. They have to have a good tread that will navigate the snow and ice. I also pay more attention to where I am walking. I’ll chose the north side of a street because it gets more sun. I’ll change where I walk because I know the paths will have been shoveled. I’ll walk in the snow covered grass if it is safer. Or if I don’t have Robin with me, I might walk on the side of the street, close to the cars.

I don’t remember having these concerns when I was younger. Then I just dressed appropriately, kept warm and went out to play in the snow. Last night I stopped in a store and noticed a much younger woman with her hand in bandages. I asked if she tangled with the ice. Sadly she did and broke her wrist. Snow is predicted. This time they are actually talking inches. We have just experienced a very warm week. The ground will be warm. Hopefully I will stay upright, on two feet.


Life is so busy, that it is very easy to forget things that have happened in my life. For the most part, I remember important stuff — MAYBE. As I wrote the last sentence I was reminded that I just forgot our anniversary. I wasn’t the only one. My husband did too. But I try to remember birthdays, and holidays.

This morning, I opened my Queen of Angels book to a holy card — St. Theresa. The number of people in my life that are battling cancer has increased — they are in my daily prayers. At the moment I couldn’t think of a special intention that I hadn’t been praying for. The state of our world is in my DAILY prayers. Then I remembered when I received a rose on the front porch — it had me confused! When I think of it, it still has me confused. I wrote the story in Journey With Me — ROSES WITH THE MORNING PAPER.

Remembering Journey — the reason I wrote the stories in the book was because my friend’s son asked me how I had become so aware. Could I teach him? Evidently I’m still trying to help people become aware.

I hope my experiences help you to notice the “help” you receive from the other side. I often remember the big things that happen in my life. I don’t always remember the little things. I try VERY HARD not to remember the hurtful stuff — sometimes that is harder to do.

I have read that many times one thing that occurred in the life of a saint, fed the rest of their life. Many things occur in my life, THANKFULLY — because I’m not like the saints. It seems that I need constant “help” or reassurance that what I’m doing is important. Or I need a constant supply of ideas to write about.

When I’m writing something that the editors do not like, and they interfere with the saving of the ramble it gets my attention. When I’ve taken a break from writing and the waters in my life become stormy, it gets my attention. Since I like peace, and calm waters, I try very hard to keep a steady flow of thought rambles ready to publish.

And I’m often reminded of Abraham — God’s promise to him. Why this promise is important to me, I have no idea. I’m sure time will tell.

Since Christmas is just around the corner, I wish you joy and happiness. I wish you health. I wish that we will have a world that is safe for not only us but our children, and future generations. I wish we will have clean air to breath and clean water to drink. There are times when it feels like the world is going in the wrong direction but I’m hopeful it will change.


I had to laugh! I don’t normally watch daytime television except for the news. When I do,I am surprised by something that is said on the program I’m watching. This morning I caught a segment — Dick Van Dyke at the young age of 91, still singing and dancing. I’m often given hints that I need to watch what I eat, take care of my health and exercise so that I’m able to function independently as I get older. At first I was given examples of people in their seventies. Since I have reached that age, the examples have aged also — now it is 90 or 100. People who are still vibrant, healthy and have a good quality of life.

Last week, a person on a daytime program asked: “Is there anything that reminds you of someone who has passed away?” And I laughed.

The day before, I was shopping at Costco and noticed a huge pork loin in a person’s cart. Wandering through the store, I saw another large pork loin in another person’s cart. Seeing two in a short period of time, made me wonder. Now I will admit that I have PLENTY of pork roasts — two — in the freezer and many packages of pork chops. I DID NOT NEED more pork BUT they had a deal $8 off a pork loin. The bargain hunter in me wouldn’t let me pass up the deal. Instead of looking for the largest, I looked for the smallest BUT a pork loin found its way into my cart.

The same day, I went down an aisle which I usually skip. First I saw Ramen noodles made out of rice. I have to admit, they stayed on the shelf, but since I used to LOVE ramen soup — the sodium has omitted them from my diet– the noodles might be in my cart on the next trip. Then I found, in the same aisle, low sodium, organic beef broth. Soon it will be winter, the season for soup and stews — the broth found its way into my cart.

Depending on what I am doing, I might be unaware of the “help” I receive on a daily basis. If I’m too involved and not paying attention, I often get hit on the head. I DON’T LIKE TO GET HIT ON THE HEAD!

When I first started writing, I was often surprised with the synchronicities in my life. I can truthfully say that I think they have increased. I try NOT to take them for granted. I try to say THANK YOU for the many blessings and gifts I receive. When I first started writing this thought ramble, it had a different title. I think I have mentioned that I have “editors” that “help” me! I COULD NOT save what I was writing. I received many messages telling me why it couldn’t save. The file was being used by someone else, it was protected, the disk was full, etc. etc. etc. I have to admit that I stopped. Then I asked my son to look at the external disks I was using for backup. When he said nothing was wrong with either of them, I knew that there was a different reason. I changed the title!

No surprise, the ramble saved without anymore problems!


I hope my title didn’t give you cause for concern. The descending of stuff wasn’t outside — snow or rocks or mud. The slides occurred in our freezers. ALL OF THEM — the upstairs refrigerator, the downstairs refrigerator and the upright freezer. Normally I feel the freedom to get rid of stuff when our cash flow is on the positive side. Sadly, at the moment, I’m watching our pennies. BUT being in danger every time I opened a freezer door had the desired effect. I searched through each shelf and discarded items that were really old.

I hate to admit it, but I found one item from 2010. Thankfully it was only one item — most were of more recent dates. I didn’t list everything I tossed, nor did I list everything that I saved. I promised myself that I wouldn’t stock pile as much stuff again. I found many of my favorite proteins that thankfully were still new enough to eat. I found bag after bag of individual bags of soup. TWENTY FOUR servings in all — most were beef lentil or minestrone all from 2017. I vowed that I wouldn’t make any more soup until my stock was down. EXCEPT I don’t have any chicken soup. Evidently, that is my go to when I’m feeling a cold coming on. I found fish — salmon, tilipia, shrimp and cat fish. We are eating more fish, so everything I found was current. Two bags were hidden behind other stuff. I’m glad that they surfaced. I also found fish burgers that I had forgotten about. They were on sale, buy one, get one free. I had good intentions, not great follow through.

I didn’t find any pot roast, nor a stock pile of ground beef. Evidently I use the beef quickly. I found a lot of chicken — whole bird, chicken breasts and thighs except for the whole bird, the rest were boneless and skinless and current. Evidently I also use a lot of chicken.

Now I have room to freeze leftovers from the holidays. I have room to freeze cookies. I have room to add more to my stockpile. I won’t have a landslide each time I open a freezer drawer. Hopefully I will REMEMBER to only buy the supplies I’ve run out of — until Spring comes again and we head out to the camper. Then, unless I have a list — I’ll forget AGAIN!


When I first began to write this blog, over five years ago, I didn’t expect that I would still be writing. If I had, instead of thinking of a title for each ramble, I would have numbered them. Coming up with a title each week, is often VERY HARD. This title was given to me on Sunday when a break in the clouds allowed me to take Robin for a walk without either one of us getting wet. I have noticed that often when I need to be out and about, the rain stops for a little while. I’m reminded of the time when I was writing To Pap, With Love. Every time I printed chapter 4, the story of our granddaughter’s first communion, the printer STOPPED. Many rewrites later, I discovered the reason for the problems with the printing. It wasn’t in what I had written or failed to write, I didn’t realize that the rain had stopped and we had been given a beautiful day. Once I understood the change in weather, the problems with printing chapter four stopped.

This weekend, my husband and I attended a play. The forecast was for rain, sleet and snow. Just what I wanted to hear. I thought we should leave early, give us time for delays and if we were early, we could do some holiday shopping. Traffic although not clear, continued to move at a safe speed. We had over an hour to shop. We found the presents we wanted for our grandson. I had HELP from my “friends”. I wandered down a clearance aisle and found two presents for my granddaughter that I thought she would enjoy. I didn’t know it was a clearance aisle. Checking the price on a scanner I was happy!

Earlier that week, I remembered the ginger cookies and mulled fruit drink that I purchased from Ikea. A phone call confirmed that the product was in the store. That day my husband and I drove out to the store. The weather was sunny, not warm but not freezing. The traffic moved. We purchased our supplies, enjoyed a cup of coffee and drove home with clear roads. The next day we had rain and snow and many accidents on the highway.

I often hear things in passing that is a benefit to me. Something that is on sale in the store, a program on television that I would want to watch, a reminder of things that I need to do. These tidbits do not only benefit me, but they benefit my family too. I stopped in the pet food store to tell a story to the clerk I know. While there, I asked about a knee cap bone that had been discontinued. Another clerk heard my query, and brought the last new knee cap bone in stock. Yesterday I was working on the clutter. I found blank note cards that are very appropriate for a letter my husband needs to send to our grandson’s school. I LOVE the “help” that I often receive!

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