Random Acts of "Kindness"

Posts tagged ‘Swedish’


We have lived in our neighborhood for many years. We have had as many as five grocery stores within walking distance of our house. We are down to two now. I usually walk over to the closest if I’m out of some item for dinner or in the winter, if I need some exercise. I often receive more from the store than just food and cleaning products.

Since we have lived here for so many years, I often meet friends or acquaintances from church in the store. Recently, talking to an associate from my children’s school days, I learned that a favorite place — The International Market — in Oahu had closed. Hearing that it closed made me sad. My husband, son, and I have spent many happy times there. Looking it up on the internet, I learned that it is being rebuilt and will open in August of 2016.

I usually check out the magazines when I’m in the store. Often they stay in the store but sometimes they wander home with me. Since I’m still trying to lose weight, that is a subject that catches my eye. Recently I saw an article on a drink that is made from dandelion tea, cranberry juice and lemon juice. That magazine actually made it home and I’m happy to report that my weight has gone down a pound or two. I’m sodium sensitive and the ingredients are not only healthy but helpful to my body. In fact, I had to make a run to a store to pick up more dandelion tea.

Although I watch television, I’m rather selective in the programs I watch. I LOVE musical programs and almost missed one of my favorite award shows. Thankfully, the new Woman’s World magazine had an announcement that it was coming.

Since I don’t trust my memory, when I find an article that I find helpful, I cut it out and put it in a binder. Recently I told a friend about a herb that I have found helpful. Looking through my binder I found two articles on the herb, one from 2013 and the second, from 2014. Both were written by well known universities. In fact, One was Swedish.

I seem to be having a Swedish week. First, a friend gave me a lovely Swedish musical doll. Next I found the two articles, one from a Swedish university. Then a cookbook I sent for finally arrived. The chef grew up in Sweden and references many Swedish customs and foods. Of course, since I lived with my Swedish paternal grandmother for a few years, the Swedish food is very familiar to me. It helps to explain some of my love for some foods.

I have to admit, besides my father who is a full blooded Swede — I have many Swedish friends in high places. My paternal grandmother had eleven children.

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