Random Acts of "Kindness"

Posts tagged ‘horses’


Years ago I read a short thought ramble of how we are riding a tandem bike with Jesus. He is in the front seat, guiding our way, I am on the rear seat, helping to pedal. Once upon a time, I thought that I was in control of my life. I have since realized that I was mistaken. Since I read that thought ramble, I have tried my best to be guided by Spirit. But I have to admit, that often as not, I find my hands on that wheel, trying to direct.

Last weekend, we drove down by our daughters in Central Illinois. Snow was predicted but our drive on Friday was dry. We planned to take our dog, Robin, with us until she snuck out of our back yard gate. And ran, chasing a squirrel instead of returning when I called. Our daughter has a wireless fenced yard. She also has a pond behind the yard. I was concerned that Robin would escape when the door opened and wander the neighborhood or the pond. She remained home with our son. Since we were dogless, we stopped for lunch at a favorite restaurant. Talking to the waitress, I learned that the night before a border collie was run over trying to herd a car. I was very glad that Robin stayed home.

Saturday remained dry — dry roads. The storm went further South. We took the opportunity to visit our granddaughters “horse country.” We have been down there many times. This is the first time I remember seeing so many horse drawn buggies — I didn’t count but twenty would be a good number. We learned that stores close early in that part of the country — we couldn’t buy any fudge.

The snow arrived Sunday morning. Not a lot, just enough to coat the roads and make them slick. I slid through a stop sign returning from shopping. When I arrived back at our daughter’s house, I learned that my son-in-law slid through the same stop sign, almost hitting a pole. Icy rain arrived Sunday night. The roads were still very slick when we left for home. (The town our daughter lives in does not do a good job with snow, ice clearing.)

We stopped for gas before leaving town. I had sent up a prayer request for a safe trip home. On the way into the building to pay, I found a dime. I have to admit that the dime made me HAPPY. Soon after merging onto the expressway, we saw four cars in ditches or the field before we reached the next exit. Thankfully our drive was free of accidents.

Robin was extremely excited to see my husband when we returned home.

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