Random Acts of "Kindness"

Archive for May, 2016


Before 8 AM at the camper, Robin and I headed out for our morning walk. I just turned onto the nature trail when I glanced back to the road and saw two dogs, running without an owner in sight. Both dogs were large — a German shepherd and a yellow Lab or Golden Retriever. I was concerned that they were not on a leash.

Returning an hour later from our walk, I met a man in a car, looking for two missing dogs. He said that the yellow dog often runs away, the shepherd kept him company. I shared the little bit of information that I knew — which wasn’t much, and an hour late.

I sent up a prayer for the missing dogs and the searching owner. Sadly we have been there — looking for dogs that escaped. Many years ago, we went to town to listen to the fireworks, leaving our shepherd in a locked camper. The campground was quiet when we left, sadly it didn’t remain quiet. Our shepherd flew through a tiny screened window in our door. We looked for her for hours, finally finding her outside of the campground, in the farm fields. We were very relieved.

A few years later, I ran after my husband. Our Irish setter and our Shepherd, ran out of the camper after us. I caught up to him at the comfort station, the dogs didn’t see where we went and kept going. Our children were still living at home and went looking on bicycles, with walkie talkies for communication. The dogs were discovered laying by a sun bather at the lake. Both of the dogs liked the water. I don’t remember if they were wet or dry. We were glad they were found.

Late Saturday morning, my husband and I left the campground to go out for breakfast. Three to four miles down the back road, we saw movement ahead of us on the road. As we drove closer, I recognized the missing dogs. My husband opened the back door of our car and invited them to join us. They must have been tired, they did not hesitate to climb in. Both were wet and dirty. The Lab laid down immediately, the shepherd still had energy, sitting up alert, head out the window.

We called security at the gate and asked them to contact the owners. Mission accomplished.


I thought CROSSING THE BRIDGE was the first thought ramble that I wrote. It was. Then I found this one, the note said it was the second. “My friends” must have been having a VERY GOOD TIME back then. Looking to see if I had copies of the early rambles — this one popped up attached to a few more. So wander with me as I revisit May of 2012 AGAIN.

I’m guessing that “My friends in high places” have known about blogs for a long time. I’ve had the feeling for a while that they thought I should write one. I didn’t agree. I won’t bore you with the reasons.

When “my friends” have a project in mind that I’m not aware of, the topic surfaces often. I might read about it in a magazine or newspaper. I might hear something on the television or radio. I might hear it passing on the street. It might surface in a conversation.

BLOGS: The beginning — Julia and Julia, the book and movie, a blog of cooking with Julia Child not only led to a book but also a movie was the first hint. More recently — Sisters on a television program who were invited to speak at a gathering from someone who had read their blog. Holy Week in April — in a magazine, Weight Watchers CEO wrote a blog for three years. Recently heard on Television, Judge Judy who didn’t bother with a computer but recently started an interactive site because she wanted to be part of this world. My youngest daughter, who is writing a children’s story on the Chicago Fire, started a blog. Reason – help with writing and publishing. I knew I was losing the battle when on I was downtown on a Tuesday and stopped at St. Peter’s because I knew they were doing a Novena to St. Anthony, known for his speaking ability. When I was writing To Pap, With Love, I happened to be downtown on Tuesday’s for nine weeks in a row. Confused, I knew he was instrumental in finding lost objects but I hadn’t lost anything. I learned the reason for my Tuesday’s downtown when I read that many years after his passing, St. Anthony’s tongue was still pink. Yesterday, the final straw, another person on TV, publishing a cookbook after writing a blog.

I don’t know where this blog will lead me, but I have begun.


This appears to be the first thought ramble I published In May, 2012. Silly me, I thought I was celebrating my third year anniversary — Not my fourth. I was curious — what did I write my first ramble about ? I could not find it in my files. Thankfully it was in the archives of Wandering with Spirit. Some things change, but this hasn’t. This hasn’t changed either — “My friends” still edit what I write!

Just have to share, this is as true today as it was four years ago.

I have to admit that I debated for a long time. By debate I mean I voiced many reasons for not writing
another book or a blog. I mentioned that many articles are written about the other side and illustrate “help” from those who have crossed over. I have read about pennies and dimes appearing, white feathers, birds, and other things signifying the presence of a loved one. Angels have appeared to those in need. I am not alone. I saw no reason to write about my experiences.

It is evident that I lost the debate. Let me say that I DID NOT HEAR a rebuttal! But then I NEVER do. I have read that we all have a working intuition but mine doesn’t talk to me. I guess that many years ago I stopped listening.

Instead I receive answers on the wind: spoken word, song, on radio, TV or friends or strangers or in print. If I don’t understand or agree, the message repeats until it is understood. Sometimes I get hit on the head to get my attention.

The happenings over the past week have made me realize how far I have come. My interaction with the other side, although never actually seen or heard has developed to such an extent that my understanding, unless I’m being really stubborn, occurs rather quickly. I have crossed the bridge, gotten a glimpse of the other side and I really don’t want to go back.

My “friends in high places” are having a marvelous time over there. I have learned that with their “help”, I’m often in the right place, at the right time, to help someone or be “helped” in return. Evidently, I’m supposed to share this knowledge with others.


I’ll admit that I was confused. I know my memory is not what it was, especially if I’m on automatic pilot — put stuff away or do things without thinking. But usually I remember the titles of the thought rambles I’ve recently written or those that are scheduled to publish. Since I’m no longer young, I have many friends and acquaintances from many walks of life. Many like myself walk to a different drummer. I don’t remember who told me this but I think it was an actual person in my life, not the newspapers or TV.

I remember being told that my words would reach around the world. At the time I was astounded and I’ll have to admit not necessarily fully believing that announcement. “Sure! Right!” would have been my reply, if not out loud, silently to myself.

It wasn’t long after that announcement that I received a comment from someone in another country about one of my thought rambles. “Oh, you of little faith” — comes to mind. I’ve also been told to believe the promises of Abraham. How Abraham interacts with my life is a question still to be answered. I have to admit that when His name pops up, I pay attention. “I repeatedly fail to trust God’s promise to Abraham” was in my morning reading. ??

So by now you are wondering just what I am rambling about. Sunday morning I received an e-mail that a new person is now following Wandering With Spirit. The e-mail mentioned that she liked STEERING WHEEL. I didn’t remember Steering Wheel being a title that had recently published. The recent titles where about our trip and other recent happenings. I asked my husband if he remembered the title and received a negative response. All during church the question surfaced in my mind. We were visiting our daughter in Central Illinois so I didn’t have access to my files. I will soon celebrate the FOURTH year anniversary of Wandering with Spirit. Since I try to write a thought ramble a week the number is in the hundreds.

Question: Did I publish a title STEERING WHEEL. When? What was it about? Thankfully the data base gave me the information. Steering Wheel was published December 21, 2013. No wonder I didn’t remember. How was this particular thought ramble found? The subject of the ramble provided the answer. God is in charge. With God all things are possible. The ramble was about a tandem bike, God doing the driving, I’m behind, doing my best. The ramble is as relevant then as now — I still put my hands on the wheel, trying to drive, I’m still reminded of WHO is in charge.

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