Random Acts of "Kindness"

Posts tagged ‘Retired’


The house phone rang at 3:00 AM. It was ADT. “I have a medical alert call from Diane McDonald. ”
“This is she, ” I answered. “I was sleeping. I didn’t phone you.”
She asked: “Do you have a pendant?”
” No!,” I answered.
“I’ll try to cancel the ambulance.”
Okay. I was awake. Listening for the door bell — scanning my body parts. I have friends in high places, was something wrong that I didn’t know about. ??? Thankfully no ambulance came. Both my husband and my son had messages on their phones but they were turned off. Nothing appeared to be wrong. I didn’t have any more or any less pain than when I went to bed. Of course it was over an hour before I was able to go to sleep.

It was Saturday. My plans were to go to Body, Mind, Spirit Expo, and I proceeded with my plan. I enjoyed the Expo, visited with many of the vendors that I know. Most of the people are more talented than I am but I’m comfortable there. The last workshop that I attended was by Dr. Michael Chapman. He had been told by God that he had a job to do, and after resisting, he finally agreed. When he told his story, Dr. Chapman said that at 3:00 AM stuff happens. I had to laugh. Good Morning!

He singled out many members of the audience, then he came to me. “What do you do?” he asked.
I replied, “I’m Retired.”
“No — your not! What do you do?”
I admitted that I write a blog: Wandering With Spirit.
At which point he said: “Keep doing what your doing. Your readers will increase. Those who read your blog will feel the spirit.”
He might have said more than that, but it was at the end of the day and my mind was tired.

Sunday morning I was at Mass. We have a new pastor whose homilies contain words that have more personal meaning. The gospel pertained to a Canaanite woman who wanted Jesus to help her daughter. Father emphasized how important it was for us to reach out to people of the world, not only people of our faith. Songs at Mass continued the message: “Precious Lord, Take My hand” and “Be Not Afraid.” Both songs have meaning for me! ” I get the message! KEEP WRITING!”

Medical Alert?? Still confused or did “they” just want me to know that I’m not alone? Always questions — no answers.

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