Random Acts of "Kindness"

Archive for May, 2019


Spring — our son invited me to accompany him to Hawaii. My husband has gone to the island twice before but he DOES NOT LIKE the EIGHT HOUR plane ride. I can truthfully say that it is not something I enjoy, but I do ENJOY HAWAII. We left Robin at home with my husband. She is not happy when the whole family is not home.

My husband took her with him whenever he left the house. She slept with him most nights, right up against his side. He spoiled her as well as himself — cake, doughnuts, ICE CREAM. Whether he had any ice cream or not, Robin received a nightly bowl. He also shared his supper with her.

We were only in Hawaii 5 nights — short trip. About night two, I thought of Robin at home, and realized that a present was in order. We were in Waikiki, plenty of opportunities to shop, BUT no toys for dogs. I had a quest, which made shopping more interesting.

My son and I like to hang out at Waikiki beach, people watch — surfers and bathers — eat pork nachos and share. In other words, take a break from the get up and run. I asked many people if there was a place to buy a toy for a dog. In many of the shops I wandered in, I asked if they had dog toys. I didn’t get good information until someone mentioned Ross. In the park, I noticed a young dog running free. I also noticed a stroller waiting for the dog after he tired himself out. I wandered over, asked as few questions, and heard the name Ross. I saw many dogs in strollers on our walks. I also saw a woman on a motor driven chair with a dog on a leash.

Our son found the store on his morning walk. I did not hesitate, the next trip to the beach, we found Ross. I quickly located the pet department and found a lovely elephant. It is very similar to Robin’s favorite Zebra. Detagged and packed, it was ready for the trip home.

I’m happy to report that we were only home about half an hour before I pulled the elephant out of my suitcase. HAPPY, HAPPY DOG! Racing through the house at top speed for a couple of minutes. It is her favorite toy at the moment.

The last time my husband and I left her, I came home with a toy but she was MAD at us. In fact, ignored the toy for a couple of days. Thankfully this time was different.


I have to admit that I LOVE and DEPEND ON the help I get from the other side. Often I don’t even realize that they are helping me.

I had two or three paragraphs written describing the events of yesterday. Right now I’m sitting here laughing — better than crying. Have I mentioned that they help with my writing. Evidently the events of yesterday are not to be shared. The paragraphs disappeared. I was left with the beginning first two sentences of the thought ramble.

I had just written that I am stubborn. I’m not sure what thought followed that but it is very hard when those that “help” are not visible. Yesterday was challenging, the events seemed to be hazardous to my health. I thought about going back to bed but didn’t give in. This morning, I was aware that “help” was happening. My son commented that I Pads were not supposed to fly through the air. Now I will admit that I didn’t throw it, in fact I had no intention of doing so. Turning it off and walking away entered my mind.

I’m not writing on the I Pad. All of my thought rambles are written on the laptop. The keyboard is easier to use. My “friends” are very comfortable interacting with either one.

I had a feeling that I needed to write — have a thought ramble ready to publish. No subject in mind. I asked for “help”, but the title I thought of was already used.

So why am I going on and on? Because I have to acknowledge that there are times when my plans are blocked. For whatever reason, I am not supposed to go somewhere, or do something. Maybe it isn’t the right time for the phone call that I’m trying to make.

“My friends on the other side” have my best interest at heart. Even when my plans are challenged or interrupted or blocked it is in my best interest. Thank You!


had told me that I would write thought rambles that would published every week for SEVEN (7) Years, I would have asked you what you were drinking or smoking. I’ll admit that this was NOT my idea. For some reason, “my friends in high places” think this is something that I need to do. If I don’t have something ready to publish every week my life becomes most interesting. My sleep is interrupted. Other things happen. It is much easier to write. I’ll admit that I “yell” for HELP. My premise is still the same. Each thought ramble should somehow show the interaction in my life with “spirit.”

Once upon a time I thought all rambles should be positive. There is enough happening in our world which is negative. Then I learned that admitting that my life is NOT always positive was a good thing and more accurate.

I remember how I protested and ignored the hints that I should write a blog. I only gave in when after many prods and messages, I applied to WordPress.com and my first thought for a name for my site was accepted. I don’t know how persistent I would have been. Thankfully that wasn’t a problem.

I remember at this time last year I thought I was celebrating five years. It was only after I divided the number of blogs by 5 did I discover my error. My father passed in 1995. My mother and brother passed in 1949. My mother was VERY GOOD at “helping.” I had no idea that my life was anything but normal. Looking back, I remember times when I might have received “help.” I definitely was aware of “help” when my father’s memory was declining. I wasn’t aware of the source, but many times I was led to a problem. My father let the cat out of the bag when he passed over. I am VERY GRATEFUL FOR THEIR HELP! I have no idea how many are involved. I also am aware that “help” often comes from my four footed friends.

I hope that my thought rambles help you. Maybe you are becoming more aware of “help” that you are receiving from the other side. At the very least, hopefully you are aware that although a loved one has died in body, their spirit is alive and well on the other side.


In September of last year, my husband and I attended Autumn on the Prairie, at Natchusa, a nature preserve. While there, I met a group of painters. I learned that they get together when the weather is agreeable to paint in various areas in the region. I have to admit that I was interested. My family has been prodding me to get back into painting. I have a collapsible easel and a chair. I have many acrylic paints and brushes, not to mention canvases.

I planned to practice painting during the winter. As with many of my plans, it didn’t happen. Since the Fall, I have only finished one painting. I did it for my granddaughter’s birthday. When she was at St. Joseph hospital because of her headaches, I told her I was thinking of an Amazon warrior winning the battle. That image remained in my head and I actually turned it into a painting. Drawing IS NOT my talent. I was amazed when the image I drew on the canvas actually looked like a girl. The drawing of the unicorn DID NOT go as well. The finished painting is something that I’m not ashamed of — strong Amazon, winning the battle. I wouldn’t call it a great work of art, but considering the artist, I don’t think it needs to be hidden. It is hanging in our granddaughter’s bedroom.

I painted in acrylic. I used a glass for a pallet and cleaned it off many times. I also cleaned the brushes many times and renewed the paint many times. I had access to running water in our sink. I thought about the steps I took in the painting as I considered painting on location.

Our granddaughter had a set of Arteza brush pens at the hospital. The colors were vibrant and she shared her talent with many of the other patients. The more I thought about that set, the more I considered getting my own. Taking it with me with a sketch pad to an open air painting session sounded like a plan. At least for the first excursion. I can always take paints later. I can also return to the camper and using my materials convert the sketch to a painting.

My daughter suggested I take the pens and a sketch pad to the Garden and try doing a sketch. I just need good weather!

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